Accreditation Services
If you are considering accreditation with the Joint Commission (TJC), the American College of Radiology (ACR) or the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC), Corwin Health Physics can provide the accreditation services you need.
Information on accreditation requirements
Establishment of quality control program
Assistance with phantom image scanning and evaluation
Training for technologists and other staff
Free phone consulting services throughout the year
Annual physics testing (required to maintain accreditation)
What Can Corwin Health Physics Do for You?
By applying our experience and expertise, it’s our goal to contribute to a smooth and successful accreditation process for your facility. We will work one‐on‐one with staff to explain quality control procedures, making sure you receive the maximum benefit from the required accreditation procedures.
What sets us apart as a medical physics provider?
We seek to stay ahead of the curve and keep our clients informed and prepared for upcoming changes in regulations. As an example of this, we created a brief training video to fulfill the new 2019 Joint Commission requirement of annual radiation dose optimization training for all personnel who operate fluoroscopy systems. Please feel free to utilize this training video for your staff.
Why Accredit?
In addition to meeting reimbursement requirements, accreditation can increase image quality and patient safety. It can also be used as an effective marketing tool for facilities that are looking to set themselves apart in the area of quality diagnostic imaging.