Radiation Survey Meter Calibration
To request a survey meter calibration, or to inquire about a model not on our provided list, fill out the form below.
Our process…
Corwin Health Physics provides calibration of radiation survey meters to help facilities stay compliant with their radioactive materials licenses. Radiation survey meters used as part of a radioactive materials license are required to be calibrated on an annual basis (10CFR35.61).
Simply fill out the form, pay online, and ship us your meter. If any repairs are needed, we will request your authorization before completing them.
We will then remind you annually when your meter is due for calibration.
What’s included…
Our standard calibration includes:
One detector
Accuracy Check “as received” at all applicable ranges
Accuracy Check after calibration at all applicable ranges
Two measurement points per range
Check Source Rate if applicable
Battery test and replacement
Survey Meters We Calibrate…
Corwin Health Physics is currently able to calibrate or recertify the following makes and models of survey meters. If you need to have a meter calibrated that is not on this list, please contact us.
Digilert 200
Inspector Alert
Inspector EXPUSB
Inspector Plus
Inspector USB
Ludlum 2
Ludlum 3
Ludlum 12
Ludlum 14C
Ludlum 177
Ludlum 2241-2
Ludlum 2401-P
Monitor 4
Rad Alert Monitor 1000ec
We are able to verify calibration on the following meters, and issue correction factors if necessary.
Fluke 451B
Fluke 451P
Fluke ASM-990
Fluke Victoreen 190
Ludlum 3000
Victoreen CD V-700