Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance - Corwin Health Physics
In the area of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Corwin Health Physics provides Annual Physics Evaluations in accordance with Joint Commission and ACR Quality Control procedures. An evaluation of an MRI system includes at least the following tests:
Setup and Table Position Accuracy (Laser Light Alignment)
Magnetic Field Homogeneity
Slice Position Accuracy
Slice Thickness Accuracy
Geometric Accuracy Measurements
High-Contrast Spatial Resolution
Low-Contrast Resolution
Artifact Evaluation
Evaluation of Each RF Coil Used Clinically (SNR/Uniformity/Ghosting)
Soft Copy and Hardcopy Display Evaluation
Review of Quality Control Program
Evaluation of static magnetic field outside of MRI room upon request
MR Safety Program Assessment
MRI Accreditation Services
For accreditation with the ACR, facilities are required to have an annual physics evaluation, phantom images, and an established quality control program. Corwin Health Physics can assist you in meeting these requirements at the time of the annual physics evaluation. In addition to performing the tests noted above, we assist in the establishment of your Quality Control Program and review your phantom images to contribute to a smooth and successful accreditation process. Learn More →
MRI Safety Training
Corwin Health Physics is pro-active with MRI safety, providing safety consulting and training to clients throughout the Northwest. The videos below may be used for staff training.
Learn more about radiation safety consulting →